
  • Sankeetha K Research Scholar, Department of LAW Glocal University, UP
  • Singh k Research Scholar, Department of LAW Glocal University, UP




The right to data and, hence, the right of access thin are types of principal freedoms referable to the of discourse, identified in the Constitution as a major conceptualization is essential for the law laid by the Peak In the points of reference noted previously. They are subsequently essential for the land as exuding from the Constitution, that as well, from Part III itself. Effectuation of the essential privileges requires any regulation. It inheres unitarily in each resident and all in all in the populace, as a great deal. Regulation can be to impact lions on the happiness regarding the major freedoms; to the III limitations are passable inside the sacred meters. Or on the other hand, regulations could accommodate the free and systematic of the methodology for the delight in those privileges.


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How to Cite

Sankeetha, K., & Singh, K. (2022). RIGHT TO INFORMATION IN INDIA. Universal Research Reports, 9(4), 154–164. Retrieved from https://urr.shodhsagar.com/index.php/j/article/view/1025



Original Research Article