A comparison of different models of economic growth and development


  • Kumari P


economic growth, economic development


Economic growth is the increase in the production of goods and services in an economy, while economic development refers to the improvement of economic and social welfare in a society. There are various models of economic growth and development, each with its own set of assumptions, variables, and outcomes. The will compare the main features of the following models of economic growth and development: neoclassical growth model, endogenous growth model, human development approach, and post-development model. The neoclassical growth model assumes that technological progress is exogenous and that capital accumulation is the main driver of economic growth. The endogenous growth model, on the other hand, considers the role of human capital and innovation in driving economic growth. The human development approach focuses on the improvement of people's well-being, such as health, education, and quality of life, as the main goal of economic development. The post-development model challenges the mainstream development paradigm and aims to empower communities to create their own development pathways.


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How to Cite

Kumari, P. (2022). A comparison of different models of economic growth and development. Universal Research Reports, 9(4), 296–301. Retrieved from https://urr.shodhsagar.com/index.php/j/article/view/1044



Original Research Article