Study of key determinants in the Development of Human Capital


  • Monika


Human resources, management human resource processes


Successful businesses understand the importance of properly managing their human resources. Recognizing the importance of human capital and taking steps to recruit, develop, and retain top employees is crucial in today's fast-paced, cutthroat business climate. The necessity of strong leadership, talent management, employee engagement, and diversity and inclusion are all highlighted in this abstract, which gives a high-level overview of the processes involved in managing human resources. Leadership is crucial in human resource management because it establishes a culture that permeates the whole business. Effective leaders create an environment where people want to do their best job, are supported in their efforts, and feel inspired to do so. When it comes to driving performance and reaching organisational objectives, they know just how to play to the strengths of the people on their team.


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How to Cite

Monika. (2022). Study of key determinants in the Development of Human Capital. Universal Research Reports, 9(4), 322–329. Retrieved from



Original Research Article