The poetry of Kamala Das has justly been labelled as confessional or feminist poetry, but it may, with equal justice, be labeled as the poetry of protest. The bulk of her poetry consists of her confessions with regard to the failure of her marriage, her vain search for love and affection by forming sexual relationships with other men, her giving free reins to her sensuality. Kamala Das may be regarded as a champion of the rights of women and as a strong supporter of the movement for the liberation of women from the chains of slavery to men. When Kamala Das wrote these poems (in the sixties and seventies of the twentieth century), the movement for women’s liberation from male domination was in its initial and intermediate stages, though today the success of that movement has gone beyond the wildest dreams of women themselves.
S. D. Sharma, in article Kamala Das, in the book Perspectives on Kamala Das Poetry, edited by Iqbal Kaur, Intellectual Publishing House New Delhi, 1995, p. 2.
Quoted by Dr. Raghukul Tilak in New Indian English Poets and Poetry, Rama Brothers, New Delhi, 1995, p. 24.
Bruce King in Modern Poetry in English, O. U. P., 1987, p. 152.
T. N. Dhar, in article Eros Denied Love in the poetry of Kamala Das, in the book Contemporary Indian English Poetry, edited by Atma Ram, Writer’s Workshop, 1989, p. 22.
Keki N. Daruwalla, Two Decades of Indian Poetry, Vikas Publishing House, Ghaziabad, 1980, p. 34-35.
M. L. Sharma in Contemporary Indo-English Verse edited by Dwivedi, Prakash Book Depot, Bareilly 1984, p. 108.