Image of New Women in Shashi Deshpande's The Dark Holds No Terrors


  • Mathews M Research Scholar Department of English Literature SunRise Universirty Alwar, Rajasthan
  • Angadi D Associate Professor Department of English Literature SunRise University Alwar, Rajasthan


Tradition, Modernity


Shashi Deshpattde's novels explore the patriarchal set up in India and her protagonist, located within the social culture reach out to define the self in an attempt to free themselves in their search for freedom they modify the cultural norms that bind them and try to create an identity of their own. Deshpande’s woman Saru in the Dark Holds no Terrors attempt to reassume her place in family, society on the basis of equality. She tries to understand herself, her past, her culture, her place in society and her relationship with her husband. Deshpande rejects the stereotypes, the myths which have so shaped the image of women, in India.


S.Prassana Sree, Woman in the Novels of Shashi Deshpande.

Sarabjit Sandhu, The Image of Women in the Novels of Shashi Deshpande (New Delhi Prestige, 1991)19-20.

Quoted by Shashi Deshpande from Dhramapada in the novel The Dark. Holds No Terrors.




How to Cite

Mathews, M., & Angadi, D. (2023). Image of New Women in Shashi Deshpande’s The Dark Holds No Terrors. Universal Research Reports, 10(1), 157–160. Retrieved from



Original Research Article