
  • Singh R Assistant Professor of political Science, K.M. Government College, Narwana, Jind


Masculinity, Political Masculinity


This paper delves into the concept of masculinity and its impact on political landscapes. In contemporary scenario societies has gone under significant transformation in gender roles and power dynamics. This review paper investigates how tradition notions of masculinity influence and shape political behaviours policies, and discourse. The intersection of gender and politics has long been a subject of scholarly interest, with an increasing focus on understanding the role of masculinity in influencing political leadership styles and policy making. This paper review the existing literature in this field and analysis the psycholosical, social and cultural role in the construction of masculinity. Critically examine the development in global and indian context and role of gender and polwer relation in political context.


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How to Cite

Singh, R. (2023). POLITICAL MASCULINITY: THEORITICAL CRITIQUE. Universal Research Reports, 10(1), 166–178. Retrieved from https://urr.shodhsagar.com/index.php/j/article/view/1082



Original Research Article