Analytical study of public health hygiene of Gugjer community of Jammu and Kashmir. A case study of district Pulwama


  • Ahmad Mir Ph. D student at J. S University Sheikoabad Ferozabad U. P


public health hygiene


Since late 1989, a civil war has raged in the region of Kashmir. “Over 100,000 civilians have been killed in the fighting between Islamist insurgents and Indian security forces. As a result, people have lost their centuries-old traditions. Nearly every family has had a member killed by a security guard or a militant. In the sake of safeguarding national sovereignty, long-standing patterns of militarism in Kashmiri society have resulted in unimaginable socioeconomic hardship for local people. Since knowledge of history strengthens communal and national identity, Kashmiris work hard to maintain their sense of history while being labeled as dangers to national order and detained, both physically and metaphorically, as prisoners of the state. However, in a society under attack, the only means of retaining a sense of'social self' and ethnic collectivity are the sharing of stories and the recollection of memories, which allow victims of trauma to collectively express their anguish.


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How to Cite

Ahmad Mir, A. (2023). Analytical study of public health hygiene of Gugjer community of Jammu and Kashmir. A case study of district Pulwama. Universal Research Reports, 10(1), 179–183. Retrieved from



Original Research Article