
  • Chithra K
  • Gokulpriya
  • Mounica
  • Santhiya
  • Nisha


AES, data owner


More and more individuals are starting to save their data on the cloud as cloud computing becomes more commonplace. Easy accessibility, lower costs, rapid deployment, and adaptable resource management are just a few of the many advantages of cloud computing. The cloud enables businesses of all sizes to work together more creatively. While there are many advantages to using cloud computing, some people and businesses are wary of it due to privacy issues. Users are hesitant to save private information on the cloud, such as photographs, medical records, and trade secrets. Because losing control of sensitive data is a real possibility once it has been uploaded to the cloud.


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How to Cite

Chithra K, Gokulpriya, G., Mounica, Santhiya, & Nisha. (2023). EFFECTIVE SECURE SEARCH AND INTENSIVE QUERY RESULT VERIFICATION. Universal Research Reports, 10(2), 76–83. Retrieved from https://urr.shodhsagar.com/index.php/j/article/view/1098



Original Research Article