Study of Impact of E-Commerce on Consumer Behavior in Indore District (With Reference to Marketing of Selected Fast Moving Consumer Goods)


  • Chaudhary s Research Scholar, DAVV, Indore
  • More S Head of the Department Government College Petlawad (MP), DAVV, Indore


E-business, E-purchasing


Electronic marketing is a relatively new concept and crept into the business vocabulary in around 1970’s. It refers to the flawless application of information technology from the point of origin to the ultimate destination of the products along with the entire value chain; the business process are carried out electronically and intended to accomplish the business goals effectively and efficiently. Electronic marketing brought a new dimension in marketing where customers can buy product and services online (B2C), one business house can interact and exchange something desired with another business organization (B2B). Another important change the internet has meant for business is that individual have the ability to communicate with one another, independent of location. (i2i; individual to individual); i2i plays a big role in influencing customer behavior and maintaining relationship. Neilsen sees e-commerce’s contribution to sales growing on the back of growing smartphone penetration, increased data consumption, and efforts by large companies to make their products available online.


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How to Cite

Chaudhary, S., & More, S. (2023). Study of Impact of E-Commerce on Consumer Behavior in Indore District (With Reference to Marketing of Selected Fast Moving Consumer Goods). Universal Research Reports, 10(2), 175–182. Retrieved from



Original Research Article