Eco-Design and Sustainable Product Development: Greening Innovation


  • Verma V NET, M.Phil, MBA, M.Com, M.A. ( Economics )
  • Tyagi V MBA, M.Com, M.A. (English)



Green Marketing, Sustainable Marketing


Businesses use green marketing, sustainable marketing, or eco-marketing to promote environmentally friendly, socially responsible, and ecologically sustainable goods and services. This marketing strategy targets environmentally concerned customers who want items with minimum environmental and social effect. We examine green marketing's core elements and ramifications. First, we examine why organisations use green marketing methods, such as brand reputation, recruiting environmentally concerned customers, compliance with legislation, and global sustainability. Second, we examine the difficulties organisations confront in green marketing, such as eco-labeling, supply chain transparency, and cost-effectiveness vs sustainability. investigates the changing consumer attitude and societal green awareness. The debate shows how people are increasingly choosing eco-friendly goods and services. We also examine how social media and technology promote green goods and sustainable lifestyles. examines how green marketing affects industry, agriculture, and energy. It examines eco-design, renewable energy, and waste reduction efforts by various sectors.


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DOI: 10.36676/urr.2023-v10i3-008
Published: 2023-09-30

How to Cite

Verma, A., & Tyagi, V. (2023). Eco-Design and Sustainable Product Development: Greening Innovation. Universal Research Reports, 10(3), 57–63.



Original Research Article