Overview of Ground Water Situation in India


  • khatri P Associate professor Department of Geography, GCW Rohtak


Hard-rock aquifers of peninsular India, Alluvial aquifers of the Indo-Gangetic plains


Ground water is the water that seeps through rocks and soil and is stored below the ground. The rocks in which ground water is stored are called aquifers. Aquifers are typically made up of gravel, sand, sandstone or limestone. Water moves through these rocks because they have large connected spaces that make them permeable. The area where water fills the aquifer is called the saturated zone. The depth from the surface at which ground water is found is called the water table. The water table can be as shallow as a foot below the ground or it can be a few hundred meters deep. Heavy rains can cause the water table to rise and conversely, continuous extraction of ground water can cause the level to fall.


Deep Wells and Prudence: Towards Pragmatic Action for Addressing Ground water Overexploitation in India, The World Bank, March 2010, http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INDIAEXTN/Resources/295583-1268190137195/DeepWellsGroundWaterMarch2010.pdf.

Water and Related Statistics, April 2015, Central Water Commission, http://www.cwc.gov.in/main/downloads/Water%20&%20Related%20Statistics%202015.pdf.

Central Ground Water Board website, FAQs, http://www.cgwb.gov.in/faq.html.

Ground Water Yearbook 2013-14, July 2014, Central Ground Water Board, http://www.cgwb.gov.in/documents/Ground%20Water%20Year%20Book%202013-14.pdf.

Shaping the contours of ground water governance in India, Himanshu Kulkarni, Mihir Shah, P.S. Vijay Shankar, November 25, 2014, http://ac.els-cdn.com/S2214581814000469/1-s2.0-S2214581814000469-main.pdf?_tid=34057068-a499-11e5-90f3- 00000aacb362&acdnat=1450341541_4c147174ec4f214578113853e69b8bb3.

Annual Report 2013-14, Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation, http://wrmin.nic.in/writereaddata/AR_2013-14.pdf.

The Policy (T)angle, Thirsty Nation-Priorities for India’s Water Sector, Joseph P. Quinlan, Sumantra Sen and Kiran Nanda, Random House India 2014.

Report of the Export Group on Ground Water Management and Ownership, Planning Commission, September 2007, http://planningcommission.nic.in/reports/genrep/rep_grndwat.pdf.

Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 2157, Ministry of Water Resource, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation, answered on March 10, 2015,

th Five Year Plan, Planning Commission, 2013 http://planningcommission.gov.in/plans/planrel/fiveyr/12th/pdf/12fyp_vol1.pdf.

Occurrence of High Arsenic Content in Ground Water, Committee on Estimates (2014-15), December 2014, http://wrmin.nic.in/writereaddata/16_Estimates_on_arsenic.pdf.

Section 7 (g), Indian Easement Act, 1882.

Statement of Objectives and Reasons, Draft Model Bill for the Conservation, Protection and Regulation of Groundwater, 2011,http://www.planningcommission.nic.in/aboutus/committee/wrkgrp12/wr/wg_model_bill.pdf.

Water Rights and Principles of Water Resource Management, Chhatrapati Singh, N.M. Tripathi, 1991.

The cases include Wasim Ahmed Khan v. Govt. of AP, 2002; Mukesh Sharma v. Allahabad Nagar Nigam & Ors., 2000, and others.

Sixth Report of the Second Administrative Reforms Commission, Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances, and Pensions, Government of India, http://arc.gov.in/6-1.pdf.

Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 1758, Ministry of Water Resource, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation, answered on July 30, 2015,




How to Cite

khatri, P. R. (2023). Overview of Ground Water Situation in India. Universal Research Reports, 10(3), 83–93. Retrieved from https://urr.shodhsagar.com/index.php/j/article/view/1125



Original Research Article