Addressing the Intricacies of Reintegration in Conflict-Affected Societies the Role of UN Peacekeeping Mission


  • Kawaljit Kaur Researcher, Law Department, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India


Reintegration, Conflict-Affected Societies, UN Peacekeeping Missions, Post-Conflict Recovery


This paper examines the role of United Nations (UN) Peacekeeping Missions in facilitating reintegration in societies affected by conflict. The research focuses on understanding the complexities and challenges involved in reintegration processes and evaluates the effectiveness of UN Peacekeeping interventions in these contexts. Conflict-affected regions where UN Peacekeeping Missions have been active are selected as case studies. The findings reveal a nuanced picture. While UN Peacekeeping Missions have had significant successes in some areas, such as disarmament and the initial resettlement of displaced persons, challenges persist in long-term societal integration, economic inclusion, and political stability. The study identifies factors contributing to these mixed outcomes, including the extent of local engagement, resource allocation, and the geopolitical context. The implications of this research are twofold. First, it provides insights into improving current UN strategies for reintegration. Second, it suggests areas for further research, particularly in developing more effective models for long-term economic and political integration in post-conflict societies.


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How to Cite

Kaur, K. (2023). Addressing the Intricacies of Reintegration in Conflict-Affected Societies the Role of UN Peacekeeping Mission. Universal Research Reports, 10(4), 163–169. Retrieved from



Original Research Article