The Constitution and Environmental Legislation in India


  • Dr. Sunil Khosla Principal, Baba Balraj Panjab University Constituent College Balachaur. Punjab.


Ecology, Preservation, Forest,, Waste


The Indian Constitution is living document that develops and changes with time meaning thereby adaptive in nature. This dynamic and expandable character gave rise to the constitutional provisions relating to environmental preservation. Individual dignity and a socialist social pattern are guaranteed in the preamble of our constitution. It comes with a decent level of living and a clean atmosphere. All land, water, and air, as well as the relationships between these elements and people, animals, flora, and fauna, as well as any property owned by any of these entities, are considered part of the environment according to the Environment (Protection) Act1986. The environmental protection measures are guaranteed by the Indian Constitution, either directly or indirectly. It provides an overview of the constitutional provisions and discusses the ways in which the government has passed or revised laws over the years to implement the ecological understanding of the rights and responsibilities outlined in the documents.


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How to Cite

Dr. Sunil Khosla. (2017). The Constitution and Environmental Legislation in India. Universal Research Reports, 4(3), 137–142. Retrieved from



Original Research Article