Navigating Excellence: Curriculum Mapping and Student-Centric Learning in Undergraduate Medical Education


  • Ritcha Saxena Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Minnesota School of Medicine, 1035 University Dr, Duluth, MN 55812, United States
  • Kevin Carnewale Department of Pathology, Des Moines College of Osteopathic Medicine, Des Moines University, Iowa, USA.



undergraduate medical education, curriculum mapping, student-centric learning, quality assurance, competency-based medical education, active learning


Undergraduate medical education continually adapts to evolving healthcare demands. This article delves into two transformative approaches—curriculum mapping and student-centric learning—that have reshaped medical education. Curriculum mapping is a structured process enhancing educational programs by aligning them with goals, fostering student-centered learning, and facilitating continuous improvement and accreditation monitoring. Student-centric learning tailors education to individual needs, encouraging engagement, critical thinking, and problem-solving. Integrating these approaches empowers learners, deepens comprehension, nurtures lifelong learning, and equips students for success in a dynamic healthcare environment. Aligning objectives, content, and assessments with students' needs creates a holistic educational experience.


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DOI: 10.36676/urr.2023-v10i3-016
Published: 2023-08-14

How to Cite

Saxena, R., & Carnewale, K. (2023). Navigating Excellence: Curriculum Mapping and Student-Centric Learning in Undergraduate Medical Education. Universal Research Reports, 10(3), 124–132.



Original Research Article