Study of Mental toughness in Wrestling


  • Munish Kumar Research Scholar Department of physical Education, C.T University Ludhiana, Punjab (India)
  • Dr Kuldeep Kumar Battan Assistant professor, C. T university, Ludhiana, Punjab (India)


Mental toughness, wrestling


The study on anticipation time, decision making, kinesthetic perception, and mental toughness among elite Indian wrestlers is an interesting topic that sheds light on the cognitive and psychological skills required for success in this sport. However, there are some limitations to the study that must be considered when analyzing the findings.  the sample size of the study is relatively small, with only elite Indian wrestlers participating. While the participants were selected based on specific criteria, such as being at the national or international level and having at least five years of experience in wrestling, it is uncertain whether this sample is representative of the wider population of elite Indian wrestlers.


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How to Cite

Munish Kumar, & Dr Kuldeep Kumar Battan. (2024). Study of Mental toughness in Wrestling. Universal Research Reports, 11(1), 37–41. Retrieved from



Original Research Article