A Comparative Study of School Education in India: Pre-Covid vs. Post Covid Era


  • Ms Anchal


Education, COVID-19


The pandemic caused shocks to the system with schools forced to shut down during the lockdown period, and the transition of students and teachers to online teaching-learning. There are both positive and negative consequences of pandemic on the education system. The current study aims to provide a comprehensive examination of the state of school education in India before and after the Covid-19 pandemic. The main objective of the study is to explore various dimensions, including student’s enrolment, academic performance, and government policies, to understand the evolving landscape of school education in the wake of the pandemic. The study is descriptive in nature, and it is based on secondary data. This paper highlights the enrolment and learning outcomes of school students in India and also some measures taken by the Government of India to provide education to all.


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How to Cite

Ms Anchal. (2024). A Comparative Study of School Education in India: Pre-Covid vs. Post Covid Era. Universal Research Reports, 11(1), 42–47. Retrieved from https://urr.shodhsagar.com/index.php/j/article/view/1183



Original Research Article