Transformations in Rural India
Exploring New Avenues of Power and Political Entrepreneurship
Rural Power, Political Elites, Rural IndiaAbstract
Beyond traditional but important caste and class perspectives, this sociological investigation of rural India poses important questions regarding changing power systems. Examining current patterns, the study answers the following important questions: Can the historically urban-based rural economy homogenise or diversify the rural elites' makeup? Do possibilities promoted by the state and technological progress guarantee a fair distribution of wealth? Is it possible for rural society to break through the barriers of caste and class and create new elite groups? The research explores issues including political entrepreneurship, agricultural breakthroughs, and migration, offering insights into the complex changes that cast doubt on the cultural importance of villages in capitalist countries. In order to comprehend power dynamics and societal transformation, this research provides a thorough analysis of the changing rural landscape, revealing layers of complexity.
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