Impact of working Environment on job satisfaction in private banking sector in Madhya Pradesh – II


  • Shefali Saxena


Job Satisfaction, Working Environment, Private Banking Sector


In the private banking industry of the state of Madhya Pradesh, India, the complex link that exists between the working environment and the level of job satisfaction experienced by employees. The degree to which an individual is content with their work has become an increasingly important component in predicting staff retention and overall organisational effectiveness. The banking business is well-known for its competitive and dynamic character; thus, it is necessary to have an understanding of how the working environment influences the level of job satisfaction that an individual experiences. a mixed-methods approach, the purpose of which is to collect complete data from bank personnel by integrating qualitative interviews and surveys. Within the scope of this research, a number of characteristics of the working environment are evaluated, including the physical workspace, leadership, workplace culture, and the balance between work and personal life. As additional possible moderators, it takes into account demographic data such as age, occupation, and level of experience.


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How to Cite

Shefali Saxena. (2024). Impact of working Environment on job satisfaction in private banking sector in Madhya Pradesh – II. Universal Research Reports, 11(1), 65–73. Retrieved from



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