Traditional retail establishments are being impacted by the rise of e-commerce


  • Dr. Rakesh Kumar Associate professor Department of commerce, SM College Chandausi


E-commerce, Traditional retail businesses, Online shopping


Traditional retail businesses have been greatly influenced by the quick rise of e-commerce, which has presented the retail industry with both difficulties and opportunities over this period of time. Brick-and-mortar businesses are coming under increasing pressure to adjust to the shifting tastes and purchasing patterns of customers as a result of the growing trend of people going online to buy for the convenience, variety, and competitive price that internet shopping offers. the effects that e-commerce has had on conventional retail establishments. It takes a look at the primary elements that have contributed to the move towards online shopping and the difficulties that conventional retailers have had in order to maintain their competitive edge in the digital era. In this article, we cover various tactics that conventional retailers may implement in order to capitalise on the advantages of e-commerce while still retaining their relevance in the market. These strategies include omnichannel retailing, improved customer experiences, and creative business models. the role that technology and data analytics play in helping retailers to better understand the behaviour of their customers and enhance the personalisation of their products and services. Traditional retail establishments are able to overcome the obstacles of e-commerce and prosper in an increasingly competitive retail scene if they embrace digital transformation and adopt a strategy that is centred on the client.


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How to Cite

Dr. Rakesh Kumar. (2017). Traditional retail establishments are being impacted by the rise of e-commerce. Universal Research Reports, 4(13), 519–523. Retrieved from



Original Research Article