Study of Music in Advertisement Industry


  • Dr. Sangeeta Associate Professor Deptt. of Music (Inst.) Dev Samaj College for Women, Ferozepur City


Music, Advertising, Branding, Marketing, Consumer Behavior


Marketers, consumers and   academics have all taken an interest in the ubiquitous and strategic use of music in promotional campaigns. the complex function of advertising music, delving into the emotional, psychological and   business ramifications of this medium. Advertising campaigns may greatly benefit from the use of music since it has the ability to grab attention, evoke emotions and   improve brand memory. Music has a significant impact on how consumers perceive, feel about and   act in relation to brands and goods because of the emotions, tone and   stories it may portray. Music, in all its forms from memorable jingles and soundtracks to well selected playlists—has the power to captivate audiences, motivate participation and   even sway their purchasing decisions.


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How to Cite

Dr. Sangeeta. (2024). Study of Music in Advertisement Industry. Universal Research Reports, 11(1), 165–169. Retrieved from



Original Research Article