Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Training of Autistic Children


  • Mandeep Research Scholar, Department of Education Baba Mastnath University, Rohtak
  • Dr. Renu Kansal Department of Education Baba Mastnath University, Rohtak


Artificial, Intelligence, Training, Autistic, Children, etc.


Smart monitoring and supported living systems for cognitive health assessment are crucial to health assessment. Autistic children struggle with social skills, repetitive habits, vocal and nonverbal communication, and environment adaptation. Due to their emotional cognitive deficit, autistic children are difficult to understand, making them a public health issue. Most social assistive research on autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has not suggested a treatment for autistic youngsters. This research focuses on enhancing cognitive ability and daily life skills to help autistic children function and participate in the community. We help autistic youngsters adapt to their environment by using AI and IoT technology. The AI-enabled IoT solution we propose uses a sensor to measure the child's heart rate to anticipate their state and sends the state to the guardian via a mobile app with their feelings and expected conduct. Additionally, the device can give a new virtual environment to help the child improve eye contact. Imagery of these people in 3D models breaks this child's fear barrier. The system emphasises social communication skill development, especially in young children, to encourage interaction.


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How to Cite

Mandeep, & Dr. Renu Kansal. (2023). Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Training of Autistic Children. Universal Research Reports, 10(4), 281–286. Retrieved from



Original Research Article