Diasporic Consciousness in Jhumpa Lahiri's Novel "The Namesake"


  • Dr Shobha Tiwari Ray Associate Professor Department of Humanities Bhagwan Parshuram Institute of Technology, Delhi




Diaspora, Identity, Hybridity, Alienation, Assimilation etc.


This study analyses Jhumpa Lahiri's book "The Namesake", with a specific focus on Gogol Ganguli's character and his quest for self-knowledge as an Indian-American. The experiences of alienation, assimilation and hybridity, which are central to Lahiri's examination of diaspora, play a key role in the protagonist's development. The story provides a deep understanding of the dynamic between the original and host cultures, which forms hybridity and challenges the binary concept of identity. The themes of identity, belonging and cultural displacement are prevalent throughout Lahiri's work. This study examines how Lahiri's story sheds light on the intricate process of cultural negotiation and identity creation for diasporic persons by questioning the mechanics of cultural identity in a globalised environment. The results add to our knowledge of the global character of cultural identity and the complexity of diaspora literature.


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DOI: 10.36676/urr.v11.i1.28
Published: 2024-02-25

How to Cite

Dr Shobha Tiwari Ray. (2024). Diasporic Consciousness in Jhumpa Lahiri’s Novel "The Namesake". Universal Research Reports, 11(1), 183–186. https://doi.org/10.36676/urr.v11.i1.28



Original Research Article