Role of Guidance and Counseling in School Education
Guidance, counseling, teenage.Abstract
Guidance and counseling play a very crucial role for attaining human growth especially during the adolescent stage of students studying in schools. Teenage is characterized by brisk growth and transformation in physical, societal, spiritual, moral and academic sphere of life. Most of teenagers are in secondary schools, that is why guidance and counseling services are required at this stage . Guidance and counseling are the helps provided by qualified and trained persons to a student of any age to help him to manage his own life activities, develop his own points of view, make his own decisions and bear his own burden. The purpose of guidance and counseling in schools is to foster academic attainment, accomplishing positive study attitudes and habits, increase acquisitions and application of conflict resolution skills, and decrease school dropouts. Lack of guidance and counseling in schools has resulted in increase in unpleasant outcomes in the society. These include school dropouts, drug abuse, crimes, and even failure to secure jobs. The task of educational guidance and counseling is to enable a student to adjust himself to his studies by improving his study attitude and removing subject matter difficulties. So we can say that guidance and counseling are important educational devices in shaping the orientation in a student. Guidance and counseling helps in understanding the physical, mental, emotional and attitudinal aspects of students in relation to the opportunities, plans and adjustments. This paper attempts to highlight the importance of guidance and counseling in school going students.
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