Sustainable Urban Infrastructure: Innovations in Green Building Technologies and Urban Planning


  • Arun Singla B.Tech, Civil Engineering Neelokheri, Haryana



Sustainable urban infrastructure, green building technologies, urban planning


The burgeoning challenges of rapid urbanization, climate change, and resource depletion necessitate a paradigm shift in urban infrastructure towards sustainability. the intersection of green building technologies and urban planning as pivotal components in fostering sustainable urban development. In recent years, green building technologies have emerged as a cornerstone of sustainable urban infrastructure. From energy-efficient design to the integration of renewable energy sources, these technologies offer solutions to mitigate the environmental impact of urbanization while enhancing residents' quality of life. Furthermore, innovations such as passive design strategies, green roofs, and smart building systems demonstrate the potential to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions in urban environments.


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DOI: 10.36676/urr.v11.i4.1316
Published: 2024-08-05

How to Cite

Singla, A. (2024). Sustainable Urban Infrastructure: Innovations in Green Building Technologies and Urban Planning. Universal Research Reports, 11(4), 106–112.



Original Research Article