Impact of E-commerce on Small and Medium Enterprises: A Case Study of Developing Countries


  • Diwan



E-commerce adoption, Small and medium enterprises (SMEs), Developing countries, Digital transformation


This study investigates the impact of e-commerce adoption on small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in developing countries. E-commerce has rapidly transformed global business landscapes, offering SMEs new avenues for market expansion and operational efficiency. However, its adoption among SMEs in developing countries varies significantly due to technological, infrastructural, and socio-economic barriers. This research employs a qualitative case study approach to explore how SMEs in select developing countries have navigated challenges and leveraged opportunities presented by e-commerce. The findings highlight the transformative effects of e-commerce on business models, market reach, and competitive positioning within local and international markets. Moreover, the study identifies critical success factors and barriers to e-commerce adoption, offering insights for policymakers, business owners, and stakeholders aiming to foster sustainable growth and economic development through digital commerce initiatives.


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DOI: 10.36676/urr.v11.i4.1317
Published: 2024-08-05

How to Cite

Diwan. (2024). Impact of E-commerce on Small and Medium Enterprises: A Case Study of Developing Countries. Universal Research Reports, 11(4), 112–116.



Original Research Article