Importance of early detection and intervention in Myopia control & strategiesfor prevention & management of Myopia in the post- COVID 19 era.


  • Ranita Ray Ph.D Scholar, Lincoln University College, Malaysia
  • Dr. Regidor III Poblete Dioso Principal Supervisor, Lincoln University College, Malaysia.



Early detection, Intervention strategies, COVID-19, Screen time, Myopia


The COVID-19 epidemic has had a considerable impact on day-to-day living, notably because to the increased amount of time spent in front of screens and the decreased amount of time spent engaging in activities outside. Because of this transition, concerns have been raised concerning the increasing frequency of myopia around the world, a trend that has been made worse by the lifestyle restrictions brought on by the epidemic. in the management of myopia, the significance of early detection and the efficacy of various therapeutic options are both important. This article provides a summary of current results regarding the ways in which pandemic-induced behaviors have influenced the progression of myopia, particularly in younger people. In addition, it investigates complete management techniques, which include developments in optical and pharmaceutical therapies, as well as the effect that changes in lifestyle have in reducing the risk of myopia. the combination of emerging technologies and public health activities with the objective of taking control of the myopia epidemic that has emerged in the aftermath of the pandemic. A multidimensional approach is proposed in order to limit the growing myopia epidemic. This method takes into consideration the crucial need for preventive measures, the possible long-term advantages of early myopia identification, and individualized intervention strategies.


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DOI: 10.36676/urr.v11.i4.1345
Published: 2024-09-03

How to Cite

Ranita Ray, & Dr. Regidor III Poblete Dioso. (2024). Importance of early detection and intervention in Myopia control & strategiesfor prevention & management of Myopia in the post- COVID 19 era. Universal Research Reports, 11(4), 165–169.



Original Research Article