Study of Issues Faced by Children with Orthopedic or Neurological Impairments


  • Janvi Sharma


orthopedic impairments, neurological impairments, physical limitations


Physical, mental, and social health are all negatively impacted for children with orthopaedic or neurological abnormalities. This review study draws from a wide range of sources to provide a holistic analysis of the problems young kids confront. Their inability to move freely and perform complex motor tasks is a direct result of their underlying medical issues. Stress, worry, and worries about one's physical appearance are common sources of disruption to one's mental health. Stigma and insufficient support might limit social and educational prospects. There are a number of therapies aimed at overcoming these difficulties. As caregivers adjust to their new roles, they have an impact on family relations. For these kids and their families to have a better quality of life as a whole, future studies and advocacy efforts should focus on promoting acceptance and providing all-around assistance.


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How to Cite

Janvi Sharma. (2016). Study of Issues Faced by Children with Orthopedic or Neurological Impairments. Universal Research Reports, 3, 12–17. Retrieved from



Original Research Article