Research in Mass Communication Discipline Status, Problems and Opportunities


  • Dilawar Singh


Systemic Problems, Technical Problems, sufficient, mass communication analysis


This paper is made on the belief that the social scientific paradigm of mass communication analysis developed within the us has generated, over the past fifty years, a sufficient theoretical and method body of data to make a helpful springboard for introduction and organizing a communication analysis discipline in Asian country. It analyses the standing of mass communication analysis in Pakistan, and identifies some technical and general general issues. associate institutional equipment for a national level model institute of journalism and mass communication is projected as a technique for developing the scientific discipline discipline of mass communication analysis within the country. numerous opportunities square measure known inside areas of mass field as a quest agenda for the projected institute.


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How to Cite

Dilawar Singh. (2014). Research in Mass Communication Discipline Status, Problems and Opportunities. Universal Research Reports, 1(1), 5–9. Retrieved from



Original Research Article