Improving Teaching and Learning Outcomes: An Outlook on Data Analytics in Education


  • Dahiya Maharshi Dayanand University, Haryana


Data mining, Data management


Educational data mining (EDM) is the term used for analyzing the data originating from the educational contexts with the prime aim of improving the quality and effectiveness of education for the overall development of students. Educational data is evaluated using various computational methods to better understand the students and their learning environment. The rising use of technology in educational systems has led to the storage of large amounts of student data, which makes it significant to use EDM to improve teaching and learning processes. Education helps in building social skills and enhances the problem-solving skills for an individual. EDM is useful in many different areas including identifying at-risk students, priority learning needs for different groups of students, increasing graduation rates, effectively assessing institutional performance, maximizing campus resources, and optimizing subject curriculum renewal. The aim of this study is to present the importance of data mining in education and implementing automated systems in education to enhance the learning of students.


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How to Cite

Dahiya, V. (2017). Improving Teaching and Learning Outcomes: An Outlook on Data Analytics in Education. Universal Research Reports, 4(7), 146–151. Retrieved from



Original Research Article