Study Of Approaches To Test Effort Estimation , Metrics Used For Software Project Size Estimation And Shortcomings Of Function Point (FP) Metric


  • Kandhil N
  • Chahar V


Software testing effort estimation, LOC


Software testing effort estimation has always been an on-going challenge to software engineers, as testing is one of the critical activities of SDLC. Accurate effort estimation is the state of art of software engineering, as it is the preliminary phase between the client and the business enterprise. The credibility of the client to the business enterprise increases with the accurate estimation. The earlier test estimation is done, the more benefits will be achieved in the testing life cycle. This paper proposes an approach for estimating the size and efforts required in the testing projects using test case point. The proposed model outlines all major factors that affect testing projects. Covering all major factors helps to do a fair estimation using the proposed approach.


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How to Cite

Kandhil, N., & Chahar, V. (2017). Study Of Approaches To Test Effort Estimation , Metrics Used For Software Project Size Estimation And Shortcomings Of Function Point (FP) Metric. Universal Research Reports, 4(10), 82–87. Retrieved from



Original Research Article