Delinquent behavior among youth: a gender difference


  • Manjeet Research Scholar, Department of Applied Psychology, GJU&ST, Hisar.


Delinquent behaviors, Youths


The purpose of the present study was delinquent behavior among the male and female youths having different economic status. For this purpose youths studying in various schools of haryana, have been selected in the sample. In total 120 youths were selected randomly. Achenbach’s Child Behaviors Check List And Personal Data Sheet were used to collect needed data ’t’ test was used to analysis of the data. Results revealed significant difference in the delinquent behavior of boys and girls belonging to higher and medium economic class. However no such difference was observed between girls and boys having low economic status.


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How to Cite

Manjeet. (2017). Delinquent behavior among youth: a gender difference. Universal Research Reports, 4(13), 99–102. Retrieved from



Original Research Article