Study of sports Management


  • Ahmed Masters In Physical Education


Sports, Management


Education is essential since science and technology have changed social life. The education that broadly comprises social life plays a major part in the system. Sporting activities are included under this scope. Physical education and sport, the only disciplines to attract the bulk of education goals, are their significance parallel to fast technological progress. Because physical education and sport are a subject in which people grow physically, mentally, emotionally and socially. From this point of view, the first problem to be achieved is the requirement for trained staff in the area of physical education and sport. It is thought that the Turkish sport situation would be better than today if the management mindset of people who administer and lead the sport in Turkey were shaped in the departments of sports management at universities. The worry of those people to serve their careers as effective sport managers in public or private organisations has to be eliminated in this respect. Given these facts, this study aims to explore why students of School of Physical Education and Sports, Department of Sport Management and their expectations and solutions are chosen in this department in view of the present scenario.


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How to Cite

Ahmed, N. (2017). Study of sports Management. Universal Research Reports, 4(13), 240–244. Retrieved from



Original Research Article