Hypercomplex Algorithm, Saliency DetectionAbstract
As it is known that the ability of sensory system of human being to seek out salient object in image which is quite fast. However, machine modeling of this basic intelligent
behavior still remains a challenge. Image as well as video saliency detection technique based on neural network is presented in this paper to distinct salient regions with their surroundings. Even though several existing saliency detection algorithms have been proposed whereas the obtained saliency
maps have not given the satisfying results. In this paper the problem of visual saliency is tackled. First of all in this technique saliency detection is considered as a frequency domain analysis. Secondly, algorithm accomplished this by using the concept of non-saliency. Third, proposed algorithm tends to at an equivalent time consider the detection of salient regions of varied size. In this paper a replacement of bottom-up approach for detection of visual saliency, characterized by a scale-space analysis of the amplitude spectrum of natural pictures and videos. A modified Hypercomplex Fourier is proposed and experimental analysis demonstrates that model gives efficient results and achieved the accuracy of about 80%.
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