Study of Web Acceleration Technique " Event Logger for Firefox (ELF)"


  • Indumati Research Scholar
  • Verma P A.P., Department of CSA, Niilm University


www, ELF


The ever increasing use of World Wide Web in the existing network, results in poor erformance. Several techniques have been developed for reducing web traffic by compressing the size of the file, saving the web pages at the client side, changing the burst nature of traffic into constant rate etc. No single method was adequate enough to access the document instantly through the Internet. In this paper, we will analyze Event Logger for Firefox (ELF)


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How to Cite

Indumati, & Verma, P. (2018). Study of Web Acceleration Technique " Event Logger for Firefox (ELF)". Universal Research Reports, 5(1), 67–70. Retrieved from



Original Research Article