Study the health structure of Kashmiri People


  • Sheikh Ph D Scholar Dept of sociology J.S University Shikhoabad Ferozabad U.P.


Sociology, health, Diseases


In sociology of health, analyses of contemporary public health lifestyle, risk, policy, health and consumption has been offered. Sociology of health also covers critiques of socio-politics related to health promotion & result on their execution for policies & practice and an influence of morbidity on social life and vice versa. Diseases and conditions once attributed mainly to genetic predispositions are increasingly being looked at under a more global microscope with factors such as family, education, religion and economic standing all playing key roles in understanding the issue at hand


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How to Cite

Sheikh, M. A. (2018). Study the health structure of Kashmiri People. Universal Research Reports, 5(1), 617–620. Retrieved from



Original Research Article