382 Role of Self-help Groups in Women Empowerment


  • Ghangas V


Women empowerment, development


Women empowerment has now become a buzzword in India. The last decade witnessed very active and comprehensive efforts in various national and international forums for achieving equality, sustainability and empowerment with a special focus on women. The pace of development regarding females at state level is considered by mainly three aspects e.g. social, political and economical participation. These three factors are deeply intertwined and interlinked that even if “one dimension remains absent the momentum generated by the other components cannot be sustained. It is only when all the three factors are simultaneously addressed and made compatible with each other than the woman being truly may be empowered. For this ballistic development of woman, the social, economic and political aspects impacting women’s life must be taken into consideration. As per the 2011 Census, women as an independent group constitute 591.4 million out of the country’s total population of 1.22 billion”. Women are also playing a significant role in development. Our constitution defines the importance of women in our country. Constitution gives the equal opportunity to all rather they are male or female and also give directions to states regarding women empowerment. After that many schemes and programs have been launched by the both government such as state and central government regarding social and economical development of females and out of these microfinance was one of them of empower the women financially especially deprived women. In this research paper we will be discuses about the women empowerment in Haryana.


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How to Cite

Ghangas, V. (2018). 382 Role of Self-help Groups in Women Empowerment. Universal Research Reports, 5(3), 382–386. Retrieved from https://urr.shodhsagar.com/index.php/j/article/view/702



Original Research Article