Mahatma Gandhi and Panchayat Raj system


  • Anita


Panchayat Raj system, Mahatma Gandhi's


The vehicle that was most ideal to initiate both political and economic democracy at the grassroots level was the Panchayat Raj system. Mahatma Gandhi's tours all across the country reinforced his convictions that India would benefit if the villages were governed by Village Panchayats based on the principal of "simple living and high thinking". These were village republics which were self-contained and self-reliant and having all that people want. These were the institutions where minimum standard of living could be accorded to all human beings. An individual had maximum freedom and opportunity to develop his personality to the greatest extent. In these republics there would be a diminution of the state and the roots of democracy deepened. According to him centralization cannot be sustained as a system without adequate force. The affairs are to be managed by Panchayats consisting of five persons elected annually. Gandhi aimed at the individual the centre of the local administration. People are expected to take personal interest and turn up in large numbers at the meeting to deliberate problems of common interest such as village industries, agricultural production, obligation and planning. In this research article the researcher will try to conclude the dream of Mahatma Gandhi in the form of Panchayta Raj institution. Secondary data will be use to conclude the research work. The working of Panchayti Raj and the composition will be discuses in this research article.


Ramshray Roy, 1984. Self and Society : A study in Gandhian Thought, New Delhi, Sage Publications, India Pvt. Ltd., p. 123

Harijan, 30 December 1939, Vol VII, p. 391.

M. L. Sharma, 1987. Gandhi and Democratic Decentralisation, New Delhi, Deep and Deep Publications, Â p. 48

M. K. Gandhi, 1959. Panchayati Raj, Ahamedabad, Navjivan Publishing House, p. 16

M. L. Sharma, Op. Cit., p.88

Collected Works, Vol XLVI, p. 12

Shriman Narayan Agarwal, Gandhian Constitution for Free India, (Allahabad, Kitabistan, 1946) for further details.

Harijan,28 July, 1946, Vol X, p. 236 186

M. K. Gandhi, Village Swaraj, (Navjivan Trust, Ahmedabad, 1962), p.71




How to Cite

Anita. (2018). Mahatma Gandhi and Panchayat Raj system. Universal Research Reports, 5(4), 183–187. Retrieved from



Original Research Article