Study of Consumer Behaviour and Types of consumer behaviour


  • Kumar C


consumption, understanding


The term "consumer buying behaviour" is the study of customer actions as they relate to selecting and purchasing a product. According to Engel, Blackwell, and Mansard, "consumer behaviour" refers to "individuals' behaviours and decision processes" while making purchases of things and services for their own use. Researchers that study consumer behaviour attempt to deduce what compels consumers to buy and use various products. Companies need to understand client shopping behaviours in order to provide products and services that fulfil customers' expectations. Find out what drives your ideal customer to buy. Businesses need to know whether consumers will purchase their goods before releasing it to the public. Finding out what consumers like and don't like might help businesses improve their marketing strategy.


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How to Cite

Kumar, C. (2018). Study of Consumer Behaviour and Types of consumer behaviour. Universal Research Reports, 5(4), 372–377. Retrieved from



Original Research Article