Displacement: A Study of Psychological Illness


  • Pare A Post-Doctoral Fellow, ICSSR, Ministry of Human Resource Development


Displacement, mental health


Violence exposure has been demonstrated to be a significant risk factor, but steady settlement & social support in the host nation have a good impact on the child's psychosocial health. More study is needed to determine the key processes, circumstances, and interactions among the numerous predictor variables previously identified as determining mental health susceptibility and resilience. Promotion of self-care, interpretation of effective utilization signals anxiety, anticipatory grief, and/or rejection are all proposed. There are certain procedures that are psychologically beneficial for the treatment of physically unwell teenagers, in addition to education in adaptive abilities. Research on the mental health difficulties of internally displaced people, particularly in cases of long-term displacement, is sparse. Three decades of conflict have had a huge influence on health, particularly the mental health of people affected by forced displacement, as the source of death, devastation, and displacement.


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How to Cite

Pare, A. (2018). Displacement: A Study of Psychological Illness. Universal Research Reports, 5(6), 96–101. Retrieved from https://urr.shodhsagar.com/index.php/j/article/view/844



Original Research Article