To Study of Labour Friendly Human Resources Management System and Identify the factors Affecting on Labour Productivity in Construction Company by using RII Method
Construction Industry, LFHRMAbstract
Construction industry is one of the largest industries in the world. In all the developing and developed countries, construction sector has an important role. Labour friendly HRM or green human resources management is the concept which is generally use in IT sectors, Research Centers or manufacturing industries, But Human Resources Management or labour friendly HRM is as far from construction sectors. It has been noticed there is an acute shortage of skilled and unskilled labours at various sites in Pune and nearby area, due to this most of project delay. This is an effort to study the situation, reasons behind it. This paper focus on survey carried out for finding the situation of LFHRM syatem, HRM practices which we correlate with Labour productivity through questioner survey and by using RII method we try to find out the factors from various group related to productivity of labour.
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