Kiran Desai’s Portrayal of Twentieth Century Female Education in The Inheritance of Loss : A Postcolonial Examination


  • Ashutosh


Female Education


There are many Indian women writers both novelists and poets, based in the USA and Britain. Some like Jhabvala and Anita Desai are late immigrants while others, like Jhumpa Lahiri belongs to the second generation of Indians abroad. Most expatriate writers have a weak grasp of actual conditions in contemporary India, and tend to recreate it through the lens of nostalgia. Their best works deal with the Indian immigrants, the section of society they know at first hand. Sunithi Nam Joshi, Chitra Benerji, Divakarvas and Bharathi Mukherjee are the oldest, and naturally, the most prolific. Writers like Jumpha Lahari, Manju Kapoor, Kiran Desai, and Arundhati Roy too have written novels of Magic Realism, Social Realism and Regional fiction, and benefited from the increasing attention that this fiction has received National and International awards.


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Bhabha, Homi K. The Location of Culture. London: Routledge, 1994. Print.

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Desai, Kiran. “Kiran Desai - The Inheritance of Loss.” Interview by Harriett Gilbert. World Book Club. BBC. London, 12 June 2013. Radio.




How to Cite

Ashutosh. (2020). Kiran Desai’s Portrayal of Twentieth Century Female Education in The Inheritance of Loss : A Postcolonial Examination. Universal Research Reports, 7(10), 63–70. Retrieved from



Original Research Article