Mathematics and its Educational Value


  • Ravinder Lecturer in Mathematics, GGSSS, Naguran


engineering, solve problems in science, history of curriculum


Mathematics is very important like other subjects to the extant to which it supports and contributes to the purpose of general education. The mathematics referred to in this paper designates that subject matter and training which is important to entire school population as distinguished from the special mathematics needed for professional and technical education. India has contributed a lot in the field of mathematics. Aryabhatt, Bhasakarcharya, Srinivasan Ramanujan are most prominent mathematicians in Indian history. Their contribution is immortal. If we reflect on the history of curriculum in general than mathematics (geometry and algebra) were two of the seven liberal arts in Greek as well as in medieval times. This historic roll supports the notion that mathematics has provided the mental discipline required for other disciplines.


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How to Cite

Ravinder. (2014). Mathematics and its Educational Value. Universal Research Reports, 1, 42–45. Retrieved from



Original Research Article