To Determine the Factors Affecting on Supplier Selection for Material Supply in Construction Company by using RII


  • Sharma h PG Scholar , D Y Patil Institute of Engineering & Technology, Ambi, Maharashtra, India
  • Saharkar U Assistant Professor, D Y Patil Institute of Engineering & Technology, Ambi, Maharashtra, India


Construction Industry, Research Papers


Construction industry is one among the large employment providers after agriculture. Despite it importantly, the development industry has not made the required management progress. Within the formation of supply chain to extend productivity and responsiveness Industry. As we've a bent to all or any understand that Construction sector is associate unorganized sector wherever numerous individual parties in Construction offer Chain on the brink of finish one project. Generally several offer Chain players within the development industry return together for less than one project and on completion of the project they're going their separate ways. This paper contains a review on previous research paper to seek out our various methods and factors affected on for supplier selection by other industries includes housing industry as well as here we also trying to find out suppler point of views also for selling of material to company. so here we prepare a questioner and analysis them by using RII(Relative Importance Index), then we rank the factors as per RII to be determine factors affecting on supplier selection.


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How to Cite

Sharma, H., & Saharkar, U. R. (2021). To Determine the Factors Affecting on Supplier Selection for Material Supply in Construction Company by using RII. Universal Research Reports, 8(1), 46–52. Retrieved from



Original Research Article