
  • Kumar S Assistant Professor (Eco.), IGU, Meerpur


women empowerment, Hindu code bill


Dr. Ambedkar- Liberty, Equality and Fraternity, the principals on which an aim oriented fighter and a renowned scholar followed. He was first Indian who took a step for the welfare and advancement of Indian women. Civil Code for Hindus and other sections of the Indian society were some efforts that came on ground due to severe efforts made by that potential personality. The present paper is an attempt to highlight Dr. Ambedkar's role for the raising women problems both in pre and post independent India. He started a protest against the Hindu Civil Code and also published a journal named Mook Nayak in 1920 and Bahiskrit Bharat in 1927 to deny Hindu Civil Code. Not only this, he put his full efforts to bring gender equality in the society and also raised those problems that Indian women was facing for a long time. The solution of the problems that were existed at that time for women was Education. Dr. Ambedkar boldly raised his voice to empower women when Radhabai Vadale addressed a press conference in 1931. He strongly advocated to take measure for family planning by women in Bombay Legislative Assembly. He strongly advocated that if God had given a virtue of reproduction to women, this never mean that they should behaved as child birth machine.


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How to Cite

Kumar, S. (2021). DR. B.R. AMBEDKAR: - A TRUE INDIAN. Universal Research Reports, 8(1), 52–57. Retrieved from https://urr.shodhsagar.com/index.php/j/article/view/902



Original Research Article