Design, Analysis & Optimization of Drive Shaft with Composite Material


  • Kumar D
  • Divyanshu Department Of Mechanical, Delhi Technological University
  • Bhola H Department Of Mechanical, Delhi Technological University


Design, Analysis


In IC Engines thermal energy of the burnt fuel gases is born-again into motility energy (of a regulator) by a Slider Crank Mechanism. In brief, the inferior thermal energy of the gases is born-again into the high-grade motility mechanical energy of the regulator. IC engines therefore single-handed caused the commercial revolution and contributed to the worldwide economy considerably.
IC Engines are therefore effective that they're accustomed date in cars. it's therefore extraordinarily necessary to assess how power transmission to distant components of machines /automobiles, scale back power losses throughout the facility transmission and increase the service life of the facility mechanism.
Most cars have engines mounted on the front and a rear-wheel-drive i.e. the engine mounted within the front delivers mechanical power at the rear of the vehicle. To transmit the facility from the engine to the rear wheels, a driving shaft is connected between the transmission and differential at the rear axles. Whenever there's a movement within the main shaft of the transmission the facility is transmitted through the driving shaft to the differential, therefore the rear wheels rotate consequently. Conventionally the shaft is created from SM45 steel.


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How to Cite

Kumar, D., Divyanshu, & Bhola, H. (2021). Design, Analysis & Optimization of Drive Shaft with Composite Material. Universal Research Reports, 8(2), 7–14. Retrieved from



Original Research Article