Role of human Activities in climate change: A Review


  • Manish


Global, Warming


Global warming is an ever-expanding danger to the life and existence of all species, including the Earth and the environment. There is also no question that human actions are the main cause for this impact. In addition, human actions contribute further to the problem. And if the situation is not changed soon, the whole human and other animals may suffer an environmental disaster. Global warming is an important consequence, and the human community should abandon the destructive and disgraceful human behaviours which contribute to this problem. The article includes an essay about the role of human activities in global warming to make pupils aware of the important problem and its serious cause. This is an important source to inform students of what they should do and what they can't do to preserve the environment and prevent the increasing impact on global warming.


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How to Cite

Manish. (2021). Role of human Activities in climate change: A Review. Universal Research Reports, 8(2), 38–43. Retrieved from



Original Research Article