Defying Patriarchal Norms : A study of Roots and Shadows by Shashi Deshpande


  • Anjali Research scholar of OPJS University Churu” Rajasthan
  • Kumar S Assistant Professor of OPJS University Churu” Rajasthan


Shashi Deshpande, Indian society


This study focuses on Shashi Deshpande's book Roots and Shadows. Shashi Deshpande describes the struggles of women in the context of contemporary Indian society in this article. The protagonist struggles to understand and protect her identity not only as a woman but also as a human being in the setting of contemporary Indian society since she is unable to fully resist traditional, patriarchal standards of society.


Doris Lessing, The Summer Before the Dark (London: Jonathan Cape, 1971).

D.P.Chattopadhyaya, Individuals and Worlds: Essay in Anthropologica

Rationalism (New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1976) 8-12.

O.P.Bhatnagar, "Indian Womanhood: Fight for Freedom in Roots and Shadows," Indian Woman Novelists, ed. R.K.Dhawan, V (New Delhi: Prestige Books, 1991) 118

''Anjana Appachana, Incantation and Other Stories (London: Virago, 1991)

Anita Desai, Voice in the City (New Delhi: Orient, 1982) 124.

M.Mani Meitei, "Subverting Phallogocentrism: Feminine Discourse in Roots and Shadows," The Fiction of Shashi Deshpande, ed. R.S.Pathak (New Delhi: Creative Books, 1998)82.

Veena Paintal, An Autumn LeafiDeM: Hind Pocket Books, 1976) 20-21

P.S.Sathupati, "Conflict and Identity in Shashi Deshpande's Novels," Indian Women Novelists, ed. R.K.Dhawan, 4, III (New Delhi: Prestige Books, 1995) 17.

Rosemarie Tong, Feminist Thought (London: Routledge, 1993) 208.

Ann Foreman, Femininity as Alienation: Women and the Family in Marxism and Psychoanalysis (London, 1977) 102.

"Naresh K.Jain, "Tradition, Modernity and Change," Women in Indo-Anglian Fiction: Tradition and Modernity (New Delhi: Manohar Publishers and Distributors, 1998)21.

Anita Desai, Cry the Peacock (New Delhi: Orient, 1980) 103.'^Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex, trans, and ed. H.M.Parshely (1953; Harmaondworth: Penguin Books, 1983) 488.




How to Cite

Anjali, & Kumar, S. (2021). Defying Patriarchal Norms : A study of Roots and Shadows by Shashi Deshpande. Universal Research Reports, 8(2), 76–86. Retrieved from



Original Research Article