Conceptual Assessment of the Impact of Advertising on Consumer Purchasing Decisions


  • Rani S Assistant Professor (T), Department of Laws, BPS Women University, Khanpur Kalan.


Consumers, Behavior


Advertising is becoming a common tactic for putting goods, services, and concepts in the marketplace. Yet, an excessive reliance on advertising might be detrimental and unpopular with the target audience, who frequently view excessive advertising as information overload. Despite the expanding Regardless of critiques regarding the success or lack thereof of advertising, its importance in modern marketing management is undeniable. With a particular focus on Nigeria as a developing economy, this exploratory study was designed to critically assess the effectiveness of advertising in convincing customers to accept a new or an existing product. The primary goal was to investigate how advertising affected consumer purchasing behaviour in the Nigerian environment. The goal of the study was to identify any positive or negative associations between advertising and consumer purchasing behaviour. It also hypothesizes the impact that constant product promotion has on consumers' purchasing decisions. The results show that Advertisements that are presented appropriately will undoubtedly inspire people to try the specific product, and they should run long enough to pique their interest and prompt them to make a purchase. The report advises that different client categories and their purchasing habits be properly understood. And the company, along with others, must make an effort to comprehend the purchasing patterns of its consumers in order to determine the "what, why, where, when, and how" they purchase; otherwise, an unstructured advertising campaign won't be successful.


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How to Cite

Rani, S. (2021). Conceptual Assessment of the Impact of Advertising on Consumer Purchasing Decisions. Universal Research Reports, 8(2), 127–131. Retrieved from



Original Research Article