A State of Art Review on The Thermal Management of Electronic Devices


  • Amamuddin M Research Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Corporate Institute of Science and Technology
  • Singh S Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Corporate Institute of Science and Technology


Thermal management, electronic devices


Thermal management is necessary for all the electronic devices as well as circuits in order to optimise dependability and avoid premature failure. The lower the temperature of an electrical gadget, the less efficient it is. The performance of a machine decreases as the temperature rises. Heat loads generated by high-performance electronic components may cause excessive junction temperatures, shorten component lifespans, and even cause electronic devices to fail prematurely. As a consequence, it is necessary to reduce the temperature of electrical equipment and/or remove the heat from them. In the mobile device sector, this is a common problem to deal with. The capacity to keep the components cool is one of the most difficult tasks, since overheating significantly reduces the functioning life of a device as well as eventually leads to its failure. This paper presents a literature survey on several techniques being used as well as advances being made for the thermal management of the electronic devices.


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How to Cite

Amamuddin, M., & Singh, S. (2022). A State of Art Review on The Thermal Management of Electronic Devices. Universal Research Reports, 9(3), 23–29. Retrieved from https://urr.shodhsagar.com/index.php/j/article/view/989



Original Research Article