Harnessing the Potential of Plant Genetic Engineering for Crop Improvement and Sustainable Agriculture


  • Jyoti MSc (Panjab University)


plant genetic engineering, crop improvement


Plant genetic engineering, which blends molecular biology, genetics, and biotechnology, has transformed crop development and promises sustainable agriculture. Scientists can improve plant agronomy, pest and disease resistance, abiotic stress tolerance, and nutritional value by manipulating and transferring genes. This presentation highlights plant genetic engineering's crop enhancement and sustainable agriculture potential. Genetic engineering has produced GM crops with insect resistance and herbicide tolerance. These features help control pests and weeds without chemical pesticides and herbicides. Genetic engineering may also offer biotic stress tolerance, protecting crops from viruses, bacteria, and fungus. This sustainable method reduces crop losses and stabilises yields. Drought, salt, and severe temperatures reduce agricultural yield. Genetically altered plants may flourish in severe settings and spread agriculture in previously unsuitable places. Global food production and food security may improve. Plant genetic engineering also boosts crop nutrition. Scientists have increased staple crop vitamin, mineral, and other nutrient content to combat nutritional deficits and promote better diets. This technique combats malnutrition and improves health sustainably. 


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How to Cite

Jyoti. (2022). Harnessing the Potential of Plant Genetic Engineering for Crop Improvement and Sustainable Agriculture. Universal Research Reports, 9(4), 302–307. Retrieved from https://urr.shodhsagar.com/index.php/j/article/view/1045



Original Research Article